How to Recycle Your Old Cartridges and Cartomizers

You may have the chance to stop feeling guilty about throwing out those cigarette butts. Smoking just got a whole lot “greener.”

Environmentally friendly companies like Green Smoke and Call2Recycle, who focus on selling e-cigs that are better for the environment and the recycling of batteries and cartridges, have been working hard at finding ways for vapers and e-cig users to contribute to keeping their smoking green.

Help The Environment

Disposing of traditional cigarettes creates a large amount of litter, so switching to e-cigarettes alone is helping the environment. Cigarette butts are the most tossed piece of trash in the world, making up about 38 percent of litter worldwide. It takes about 12 years to break down a cigarette butt.

Another great way to help the environment without having to let go of your e-cigs is by recycling and exchanging your empty cartridges or vape cartomizers.

Green Smoke has teamed up with Call2Recycle to make an e-cig battery and vape cartridge recycling program.

How the Program Works

– Save 80 used cartomizers

– Call their customer service to arrange for free shipping

– Receive loyalty points (25), which is equivalent to one 5-pack of cartomizers, in the flavor and nicotine level of your choice.

When it comes to e-cig batteries, any and all batteries are recyclable. You can visit their website to find the battery drop-off/recycling location nearest you. These are usually by places that you often visit like the grocery store, gas stations and office supply stores.

If you would like to recycle your cartridges or e-cig batteries visit: and for more information.