How Do I Charge My E-cig Battery?

You have a Kraving to test out your starter kit. The packaging is in shambles and the e-cig looks great in your hand. What’s next?   Like your smart phone, your e-cig needs a full charge before its first use. Charging your e-cig is simple and convenient. You can use the USB port on the wall…

Do E-cigs Harm Your Teeth Like Regular Cigarettes?

If you’re a smoker considering making the switch to electronic cigarettes, you’re likely wondering about potential benefits to your hygiene. The effects of e-cigs on your teeth may be of particular concern to you. The detrimental impact on teeth of smoking conventional tobacco cigarettes is well known. Smokers’ teeth can become stained and yellow. This…

What is Vaping?

The term “vaping” is to e-cigarettes what the term “smoking” is to traditional analog cigarettes. Unlike analog cigarettes, e-cigarettes contain no fire and no smoke. Instead, e-cigarette users inhale water vapor, hence the term “vaping.” What is an E-Cigarette? An e-cigarette is an electronic device that looks just like a traditional analog cigarette and is…

What is an E-cig Starter Kit?

For those who haven’t yet embarked on the world of e-cigarettes, it can be a confusing process to decide on what to buy. Not only can it be a hassle to find out what type of e-cigarette works best for you, but also, it’s not exactly clear what the necessities are to purchase along with…

E-Cigarette vs. Regular Cigarettes

Smoking today is nothing to what it was 50 years ago. Back in those days, smoking was much the thing to do, not because it was the cool thing to do but because it was what everybody did. Nowadays, with rising tobacco prices and people who are more health conscious, smoking has taken a downturn…

Disposable E-cig vs. Rechargeable E-cig

Once you decide to make the switch from tobacco cigarettes to electronic cigarettes, you could find yourself feeling a bit overwhelmed at the sheer amount of options you have. Out of the many differences between various types of e-cigs, many people often have trouble distinguishing between whether they should choose disposable or rechargeable. Both bring…

Are E-Cigs more Affordable than Regular Cigarettes?

For many smokers, the increasing levies of additional taxes and price increases have provided a strong financial spark to quit. Depending on your state, you could be paying anywhere from five to fifteen dollars for a pack of your favorite smokes. E-cigs, or electronic cigarettes, are a great alternative to regular cigarettes and can help…

Why Does My E-cig Taste Bad?

E-cigarettes have been becoming quite popular recently, in large part due to the fact that you can purchase different flavors in order to get the flavor that you like best. Though, it is possible for e-cigarettes to stop tasting good. Some e-cig users have even reported a burnt or metallic taste when vaping. Here are…

Where Can I Use My E-cig?

When electronic cigarettes, or e-cigs, first made their debut, traditional tobacco smokers were thrilled. After years of being banished to the freezing cold outside to get their nicotine fix, people were finally able to once again enjoy a cigarette indoors. However, as quickly as people began to enjoy their cigarettes indoors once again, businesses and…

What is Propylene Glycol?

Propylene Glycol is an organic chemical compound. It has a number of industrial uses, but also has the distinction of being rated by the FDA as a food additive that is “generally recognized as safe.” It is used to help maintain moisture when used in cosmetics, medicines and food. It is also a common component…